It would be wonderful if our politicians could show some knowledge of international affairs rather than mindlessly parroting American propaganda.

  1. Russia is going to win the Ukraine war and land-lock Ukraine by sealing off its Southern border from the Black Sea. Once they do this, they will continue to gobble up Ukrainian territory until Zelensky agrees to do what he is told. No amount of wishful thinking will alter that course.
  2. A buildup of military forces in the NATO countries is the dumbest thing that could be done. Russia is not going to fight a conventional war and risk damage to its troops – it will simply Nuke the NATO buildup.
  3. Russia has enough nuclear warheads and enough hypersonic missiles to deliver destruction to the west without any likelihood of being stopped. However, it has already shown a measured military response in Ukraine so its nuclear targets would probably be military installations and the American Military/ Industrial complex. Once America realises it cannot continue a war, its demented president could very well order a nuclear strike on major Russian cities.
  4. Australia is not immune from Russian retaliation. There are two American bases in Australia at Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, and North West Cape (Harold E. Holt Communications Station). These are vital to monitoring and directing American Naval and Air Force activities in the Middle East and presumably in Ukraine. If America ruffles Russia’s feathers we can expect both of those bases to disappear in a puff of smoke.

China is going to re-take Taiwan. It already has a naval cordon around Taiwan which will prevent America or anyone else from defending it. Australia needs to stop its military posturing in the South China sea and get out of there before the action starts. Another point about Taiwan is that it produces about 90% of the world’s computer chips. How is America going to fight a war without computers?

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