People are saying today that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war that the US is fighting against Russia.

But this is not the first proxy war that the west has fought against Russia; the first one was WW2.

Let’s look at the facts:

  1. The Russian revolution occurred in 1917. Following this, Britain and France both tried to destroy Russia by intervention. A supply ship, “The Jolly George”, was prevented from being laden by the British wharfies and the French fleet mutinied in the Black sea. Russia soon cleared foreign troops from its territory in the early 1920’s.
  2. Britain declared war on Germany on 3/9/1939. The evacuation of Dunkirk started on 26/5/1940. During this 8 month period, there is no record of the British army firing a bullet but it allowed Hitler to gain total control of Europe. This period was called the “phony war” by Western journalists and the “Sitzkrieg” (sitting war) by the Germans. German General Jodl stated at the Nuremberg trials “If we did not collapse already in the year 1939, that was due only to the fact that during the Polish campaign, the approximately 110 French and British divisions in the west were completely inactive against the 23 German divisions”. Jodl was executed at Nuremberg despite there being no valid evidence against him.
  3. The Dunkirk evacuation continued until the 4/6/1940 (9 days) so it was not the overnight miraculous evacuation we are led to believe. Why did Guederian’s panzers stop in their tracks and not advance to take the British forces (338,000) prisoner when it would have been a turkey shoot? And why didn’t the Wehrmacht prevent the evacuation?
  4. Why did Chamberlain hand Czechoslovakia over to Hitler? Britain, France and Russia had guaranteed the integrity of Czechoslovakia at the end of WW1. At the outbreak of WW2, Czechoslovakia had an army about equal to that of Germany and Czechoslovakia is on the southern border of Poland. Hitler could never have successfully invaded Poland if he had been opposed by a functional Czech army.
  5. The treaty of Versailles following World War 1 required Germany to have no more than 100,000 soldiers, no manufacture of Tanks, Submarines or Planes and a Demilitarised Zone of all of Germany west of the Rhine and 50 Km to the east. By 1939, German military had occupied the Rhineland, had 3.7 million men under arms, 6500 tanks, 2050 war planes and 56 U-boats. And nobody noticed?
  6. On 27/6/1942, a supply convoy, PQ17, set out from Reykjevic, Iceland, bound for Arkangel, Russia. It was escorted by 4 support cruisers and 10 British warships. On July 4th, the British first Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Pound, ordered withdrawal of the military escort and ordered the merchant ships to “scatter”. This left the convoy as sitting ducks for the Luftwaffe so that only 11 of the original 36 ships reached Arkangel. A captured German pilot of this affray was said to have been told by his commanders “to expect no resistance”.This convoy carried enough aeroplanes, tanks and trucks to equip and army of 50,000.

    The battle of Stalingrad began 2 weeks later.

  7. Germany’s treatment of western POWs was civilised; that of Soviet prisoners was barbaric and inhumane.
  8. The military casualties of Britain, France and the U.S. amounted to 1.017 million; that of the Soviet Union amounted to 10.7 million. The Soviet Union lost over 90% of the casualties of the major western allies.
  9. The Nuremberg trials had nothing to do with justice – they were engineered specifically to exterminate German witnesses to the criminal agreements between Hitler and the west. Herman Goering and Alfred Jodl would probably never have been convicted in a fair trial.

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