In a rain forest, about two thirds of the rain falling comes from transpiration of trees which absorb water from the ground and evaporate it into the atmosphere.

Re-forestation (not with Eucalypts) of Australian desert areas would increase rainfall in those forests and to the East of them. We have the geography and technology to do this. The Great Artesian Basin could easily supply water for tree irrigation.

If farmers planted 20% of their bare pasture to fodder trees, there would be an improved micro-climate with better pasture, better shelter and decreased stress on their stock with subsequent increased productivity and profitability. The fodder trees could be used to feed their stock when pasture deteriorates.

Lake Eyre is a natural evaporative basin which could be kept permanently full by building a pipe-line from the Southern Ocean or by diverting Queensland flood waters. This would greatly increase atmospheric water vapour and rainfall.

There is only 1 molecule of Carbon dioxide for every 2500 gas molecules in the atmosphere. It has the least heat retentive ability of all so its warming effect is, in fact, negligible. We also need it to grow trees. So why the hysterical fear of emissions?

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